Canal de Ética da bp bioenergy

Welcome to our Ethics Channel

On Ethics Channel, you can point out the good conducts that deserve to be valued and also report situations in disagreement with our values, our Code of Conduct or the the effective laws in Brazil and other international regulations. All in a secure manner, with guaranteed anonymity.

This channel is in line with the domestic and international anti-corruption measures, particularly laws No. 12.846/13 - Brazilian Anti-Corruption Act, No. 12.529/11 - Brazilian Antitrust Act, No. 12.850/13 - Anti-Organized Crime Act, and decree No. 8.420/15 - Brazilian Anti-Corruption Act regulation.

Therefore, use this tool and contribute so we may build together an honest and sustainable work environment.

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*You are in a secure and confidential environment, hosted outside bp bioenergy.