- Conflict of Interest Details
- Individual/Company details
- Mitigation actions
- Reviewer & other details
Conflict of Interest (CoI): a situation where an individual’s personal interests, activities or relationships (e.g. familial, professional, social, financial or political) could interfere with their responsibilities to bp, including their ability to act impartially and make objective decisions.
Some examples of CoIs are set out in Annex A and further guidance is available on Our code - CoI intranet page. All references to CoIs in this policy include those that are actual, potential or perceived and all CoIs are covered by the Requirements in section 5 below.
- Actual CoIs occur where there is a conflict between an individual’s responsibilities to bp and the individual’s personal interests, activities or relationships.
- Potential CoIs are circumstances that do not yet exist but are reasonably likely at some point to constitute an actual or perceived CoI.
- Perceived CoIs exist where it could reasonably appear to others that an individual’s personal interests, activities or relationships could influence the performance of their bp responsibilities (whether or not this is in fact the case).
By completing the form, you declare that you are aware that Contato Seguro will save and send the information provided to the company/organization contracting its services, enabling measures to be taken upon reviewing the content of your answers. For more information on data protection and user rights, visit this link, the Contato Seguro Privacy Policy, or the bp bioenergy Privacy Channel statement.