What is your relationship with Unicasa?
I am an employee
I am a former employee
I am a supplier
I am a partner
I am service provider
I am an end consumer
I am a shopkeeper
I am a shareholder
Which type of complaint best fits the fact that you are reporting?
Affective relationships with direct subordination
Conflict of Interest
Corruption with public body
Destruction or damage of company property
Failure to comply with internal policies and procedures
Favoring suppliers or customers
Final consumer queries
Fraud or theft of money
Irregularity in financial statements and/or management reports
Leakage or misuse of information
Misuse of company resources
Psychological harassment
Robbery, theft or misuse of goods
Sexual harassment
Violation of laws
Wage discrimination
Indicate the company of the manufacturer’s group where the fact that you are reporting occurred:
Unicasa headquarters Bento Gonçalves
Unicasa United States
How did you become aware of this fact/violation?
It has happened to me.
I saw it.
I heard about it
A work colleague told me
The reported person told me
I overheard it
I found a document or file accidentally
Do you know if any Director, Manager, Coordinator or Supervisor is AWARE of the problem reported?
Do you know if any Officer, Manager, Coordinator, Supervisor or Head is INVOLVED in the problem reported?
Do you know if any Director(s), Manager(s), Coordinator(s) Supervisor(s), or Head(s) attempted to HIDE the reported issue?
(Although not directly involved, some people may have deliberately ignored the problem or have committed to doing something, or have stated that it was not a problem, or have changed evidence)
What do you want to report?
Please, describe in detail what happened, indicating the name (s) of the person (s) who is (are) involved and when the fact took place and whether it still continues.