We believe that an effective whistleblower process enhances our efforts to maintain our culture of integrity and ethical decision-making.
Our Ethics Line was implemented over 10 years ago to enable anyone, whether they work at the Company or not, to freely, safely and confidentially ask questions and express genuine concerns about any potential violations of the Votorantim Cimentos Code of Conduct that are observed in our business environment or in the relationships established by the Company.
Anyone who observes potential misconduct within the Company’s business environment: VC employees, customers, third parties, suppliers, business partners, investors and society at large.
This channel is open to everyone and must be used responsibly and in good faith.
Yes. You can file a report anonymously or choose to identify yourself.
Contact is made through an independent company that will collect as much information about the case without compromising your anonymity. Under no circumstances will your phone number or your computer’s IP address be shared if you choose to remain anonymous.
But don’t worry: even if you identify yourself, your identity will be protected during the process.
If you opt for anonymity, there is no possible way for you to be identified.
The Ethics Line’s processes and system have been structured in a way that protects your anonymity, if you choose to remain anonymous. There is no tracking of phone number, computer IP addresses or anything similar in our processes.
However, to remain truly anonymous, you (as the person filing the report) must ensure that the content or details of your report do not unintentionally reveal your identity. It is also important to note that, when you file a report, you should not discuss it with anyone, to minimize the risk of your colleagues sharing sensitive information with others. In addition, you should not share your report’s reference number or leave it in a place where it can be accessed by others.
These are some simple tips we’ve shared with you to ensure that you take extra steps to preserve your identity.
Yes. Once you file your report, you will receive an automatic reference number that identifies your case, regardless of whether or not you identified yourself.
In the future, you can access the Ethics Line by phone or via website, using your reference number to check the status of your case.
You can report any situation that potentially violates our Code of Conduct and/or the laws that you observe in relationships and business conducted by the Company; you can also ask questions about established guidelines.
If you are an employee of Votorantim Cimentos, if you witness any irregularity or potential misconduct, you can talk to your manager, your manager’s manager, People Management (Human Resources), Safety, Compliance or Legal, depending on the issue.
However, if you are not our employee or are an employee who is not comfortable contacting these people or departments, remember that the Ethics Line is a safe and confidential alternative that you can always count on.
Examples of irregular behaviors that should be reported include harassment of any kind, discrimination of any kind, theft and/or fraud, corruption, serious safety violations. More examples are available in the company’s Code of Conduct.
In addition, you can also use the Ethics Line to ask questions about interpreting our Code of Conduct.
IMPORTANT: operational or technical inquiries and complaints, purchases of products, sponsorship requests, requests for visits to the company, submission of resumes, requests to register suppliers and complaints about non-payment, for example, should be addressed using customary and appropriate channels or responsible area representatives within the Company. Consult the Votorantim Cimentos website or Workplace (if you are a VC employee), to find out more about the communication channels available for inquiries of other types.
When you file your report, it is important to include as much information as possible. Therefore, remember to describe what happened in as much detail as possible. Try to limit your information to accurate facts and explain: What happened? When did it happen? Where? For what reasons? What are the names of the people involved in this situation? What positions do they hold?
If there are witnesses, please also provide their full names, titles and, if known, phone numbers and/or email addresses.
The more information you provide about the instance, the more effective the investigation of the situation will be and, consequently, better actions can be taken, and better results can be achieved.
The Ethics Line must be used in good faith, so please use it correctly and conscientiously.
For us, at Votorantim Cimentos, there is only one way to do things: the right way.
We all have the right to work in a positive environment. With that right comes the responsibility to act ethically and to inform the right people and bodies if someone does not act appropriately, fairly and with integrity, or goes against company guidelines and values.
The only way to build and maintain an environment that is healthy, transparent, ethical, productive and better for everyone is by working together. Misconduct can jeopardize the operations of an entire company.
You may have witnessed something that is more critical and troubling than you think. Based on your report, the area or bodies within the Company will be able to direct their efforts to investigate the alleged irregularities and act as quickly as possible to minimize the potential negative impact they could have on the Company, its employees, suppliers, business partners, the environment, society, and others.
Therefore, if you are aware of any inappropriate, unethical or illegal behavior that has happened or is currently taking place in Votorantim Cimentos’ relationships or business environment, know that, for Votorantim Cimentos employees, reporting it is your duty. You, your colleagues and everyone else that is related to the Company and could be impacted if the situation is not addressed promptly or evolves into something even more serious.
Filing multiple reports about the same occurrence will not benefit the investigation or add credibility to the situation. It will only result in higher processing costs and longer investigation times, and potentially affect the analysis of other critical issues, thereby delaying the = process.
Therefore, if you are going to file a report about an actual or potential situation, do it only once.
After you file your report, if you remember other facts or become aware of new information related to the same situation that may be important to the analysis that is in progress, it is simple: just access your report again (using your reference number) and add new information to the case that is already under analysis.
Submitting evidence is not necessary, however, whenever possible, we recommend that you include or make available evidence that will contribute to the investigation of the issue. You can exclude any information that can identify you if you wish to remain anonymous.
The Contato Seguro system allows you to submit several types of files (documents, photos, videos, audio, etc.). Even if you file your report over the phone, the operator will explain to you how you can submit evidence.
All materials will be treated confidentially or appropriately to protect the identity of the person filing the report.
Contato Seguro has its own team of qualified professionals to file reports.
They have no relationship with Votorantim Cimentos and are completely independent and unbiased with regard to the situation that will be reported.
After filing your report through the Ethics Line, it is important that you ensure its confidentiality by not commenting or sharing its content with other people.
In addition, you should periodically check your case for additional inquiries from the Business Ethics Office team.
When you file a report by phone, through this website or through the Contato Seguro app, you will receive a reference number that can be used to monitor the progress of your report.
To do that, you must click "Follow the status of your report/consultation" on this website.
We recommend that you write down your reference number and use it periodically to check the progress of your report.
Occasionally, Votorantim Cimentos’ Business Ethics Office may request more information from you through messages that can only be accessed by you via the website or by phone, using your reference number (without it, you will not be able to access this tool). Keep this in mind and access this websiteplease review your case regularly. Your contributions will be extremely important to the process.
Votorantim Cimentos does not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone who files a report with a valid concern or contributes to the investigations.
If this occurs, you must contact the Ethics Line and file a report including the details of the situation so that the responsible team can make the necessary investigation and act in a timely manner.
There is no set timeline for investigating complaints since each case can vary in scope and complexity.
More complex cases demand more complex actions and, as a result, may require more time to be correctly, responsibly and completely analyzed and addressed.
In any case, it is important to emphasize that all reports filed with the Ethics Line (provided they contain adequate information to proceed with an investigation) will be evaluated and addressed, and will receive a final response from the Ethics Office through the system.
However, details related to the conclusion of the case and any measures taken may not be shared, to preserve the confidentiality of the process and the identify of those involved.