We partnered with Contato Seguro, an outsourced and fully exempted company, to implement and manage our Reporting Channel, through which it is possible to report unethical behavior or a behavior that is inconsistent with our values, our way of thinking and acting.
Contato Seguro serves large companies from varied industries all over Brazil, contributing for transparency and maintenance of the ethical principles of its clients.
A Contato Seguro specialized team will receive the calls or the messages on this website, will perform an initial analysis and will direct the reports to Ourofino Saúde Animal’s Ethics Committee, which will be responsible for verification. This committee shall review, investigate and act when necessary.
You may remain anonymous, if you wish so. Everyone accessing this channel will get a protocol number, with which they will be able to follow up their complain/suggestion after accessing the channel’s website.
Everyone who accesses this channel will receive a protocol number, with which they can follow the progress of their complaint/suggestion when accessing the channel's website.