The Ethics Channel is one of the tools that reinforces the WEG Compliance Program, which reflects the alignment of the company's conduct in accordance with the values and principles, internal rules and with what society has in terms of laws and customs.
In a transparent and secure manner, the Ethics Channel establishes a form of direct, secure communication and treatment of information in absolute secrecy.
On this website you can:
- Clarify any personal conduct or procedure(s) in your area of work or the company;
- Make reports, complaints and suggestions;
- Consult the status of the verification procedure and the final opinion on the report, complaint and suggestion made.
Please contact by the phone below:
- Argentina: 0800-345-3119;
- Austria: 0800 232966;
- Belgium: 0800 70 908;
- Brazil: 0800 900 4747;
- China: 400 120 0231;
- Colombia: 01-800-5190039;
- France: 0 805 98 04 76;
- Germany: 0800 1815112;
- India: 000 800 9191 225;
- Italy: 800 819 798;
- Mexico: 800 681 9255;
- Netherlands: 0800 024 9611;
- Portugal: 800 180 671;
- South Africa: 080 099 2079;
- Spain: 900 999 342;
- USA: 1 (800) 832-4756.