The Report Channel is a way of expanding our commitment to transparency and ethics. This independent, confidential and impartial tool is available for the external and internal public of Banco BS2.
You can and should report any behavior that you perceive to be inconsistent with what is expected from employees, third parties, customers, and business partners.
Every situation that is not in accordance with the laws or with the ethical principles and values of our company must be reported as well.
Look at some examples: fraud; discrimination; moral or sexual harassment; corruption and other illegal acts provided for in law 12.846/13; to hinder or intervene in investigation or inspection activities conducted by public agencies, entities or agents, including regulatory agencies and inspection agencies of the Brazilian Financial System; conflict of interests; among others.
The BS2 will not allow retaliation of any kind against the good faith reporter, or against any person who provides information, documents or cooperates in the process of investigating a report. This includes, among other things, any attempt to identify who recorded an anonymous report.
Deliberately making false statements, however, will be considered a violation of the Code of Ethics and will result in disciplinary action to the reporter.
BS2 will not retaliate against an employee who, in good faith:
• Report what you believe to be a violation of the Code of Ethics or the laws in force;
• Report concerns about conformity issues with internal BS2 policies or seek guidance on a particular business practice, decision or action;
• Cooperate in an investigation of a possible violation.
No good faith whistleblower or witness involved in an investigative process will be:
• Dismissed or threatened with dismissal;
• Submitted to disciplinary action, suspension, or threat;
• Intimidated or coerced.
You are in a secure and confidential system, hosted outside the Banco BS2 environment, and administered by Contato Seguro.
The records of complaints, suggestions and questions can be made through the website or application.