Make your report through the
Contacto Seguro app!
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Together we build a More Ethical World
Contato Seguro is your reliable and professional partner for receiving records and complaints about irregularities that may occur in the corporate environment.
According to the main laws and regulations on compliance, including Law No. 12.846 / 13, better known as the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law, our tool is complete and allows greater use of the complaints received. All our ombudspersons have college degrees, such as psychologists, and they are specially trained to make the contact with the channel`s complainant friendly and thus obtain as much information as possible, that is, the allegations will have all the necessary data extracted and will save time and expense in the investigation.
How the Whistleblowing Channel works
Via own number with live service or internet or applications, we guarantee anonymity and any record will suffer retaliation. The ombudsmen are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and calls are always free, from anywhere in the world.
Don't worry: your computer's IP address is not shared, nor any way of tracing the calls. Our tool is external and, thus, anonymity and confidentiality will always be guaranteed, confirming or not the complaints done.