Canal de Ética da BP Bunge Bioenergia

Welcome to our Ethics Channel

ATTENTION! The Ethics Channel should not be used for inquiries, complaints, suggestions, or criticisms related to our supplied products.

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To receive updates on your report, you can enter your personal email or phone number and remain anonymous. The company will not receive this information, which will be used by Contato Seguro exclusively to send notifications. Completing these fields is not mandatory, but it facilitates communication between you and the company.

By completing the form, you declare that you are aware that Contato Seguro will save and send the information provided to the company/organization contracting its services, enabling measures to be taken upon reviewing the content of your answers. For more information on data protection and user rights, visit this link, the Contato Seguro Privacy Policy, or the BP Bunge Whistleblowing Channel Privacy Statement.
