Non-retaliation against the whistleblower in good faith is guaranteed, as well as non-retaliation against those who refuse to comply with an order that disagrees with Eurofarma's compliance standards.
Phone numbers
Brasil - 0800 602 1834 | Estados Unidos - 1 (800) 584-3208
Argentina - 0800 345 3145 | Bolívia - 800 104 612
Chile - 800 914 489 | Colômbia - 01 800 5189605
Costa Rica - 8000320029 | El Savador - 8006414
Equador 1800 - 001 131 | Guatemala 1800 - 300 0189
Honduras - 80027916003 | México 800 - 681 8206
Nicarágua - 001-800-226-0629 | Panamá - 8002030093
Paraguai - 98001200003 | Peru - (0800) 78148
República Dominicana - 1 (809) 200 1590 | Uruguai - 000 416 205 2735
Make a report
Your collaboration makes all the difference. Together, we create a healthy work environment free from harassment, fraud, corruption and other conduct provided for in Law 12,846/13, among others.
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Track your reportThis Reporting Channel is a partnership between Grupo Eurofarma and Contato Seguro, a third-party and entirely exempt organization.
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