The Ethics Line is Hyundai's official channel for receiving reports of ethical misconduct by any individuals directly or indirectly related to Hyundai. With over 10 years of operation, the Ethics Line is an essential tool in our Corporate Governance and a cornerstone of our Compliance program.
The Ethics Line can be used by anyone who has witnessed the commission of any act contrary to laws, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and internal policies of Hyundai, committed by employees, service providers, suppliers, dealerships, or any business partners of Hyundai.
Our reporting channel has been developed and is managed following the best practices of Corporate Governance and in compliance with all laws regulating the need to create and maintain a secure and effective reporting channel.
By using the Ethics Line, you choose whether to identify yourself or make an anonymous report. In any situation, your identity is strictly confidential, and good-faith reporters are protected against any form of retaliation.

In order to create a neutral and completely anonymous environment, we have partnered with Contato Seguro, a third-party and fully exempt organization.
The Ethics Lineis a place where you can send suggestions and reports of unethical or inconsistent conduct with our way of thinking and acting. Your information is protected.
Contato Seguro serves companies from different segments, in several states of Brazil and more than 37 countries, contributing to the transparency process and to the maintenance of the ethical principles of each client.
Customer Service
ATTENTION! If your report is about: complaints, suggestions, compliments, or requests for information related to the products and services provided, in these cases, you should contact the Customer Service (SAC).
Talk to Customer Service