Make a report

This channel is dedicated solely to receive reports of illegal or unethical acts involving the Lojas Renner group. If you wish to make a complaint or suggestion, please contact us through our service desk at the Website.

To ensure you greater security and comfort, you can submit you report anonymously or, if you prefer to identify yourself, we ensure complete confidentiality of your identity. All reports received are investigated by a qualified, unbiased team, ensuring the information security and the proper investigation of the facts.

To help us ascertain the fact as efficiently as possible, reports should be submitted with as much information as possible, thus facilitating the identification of those involved and their actions.

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Please fill in the mandatory blanks.

By completing the form, you agree to Contato Seguro to save and send the information you provide to the contracting company / organization for your services, enabling action to be taken from reviewing the content of your responses. For more information on data protection and user rights, please visit this link.

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