Why does our company need a Whistleblower Channel?

A Whistleblower Channel offers several benefits for you and everyone in the company, such as:

- Improving the mood and relationship between everyone.
- It makes you feel safe and secure when you need to report any kind of irregularity.
- It maintains our commitment to always doing the right thing.

Our Whistleblower Channel is there to protect us all! Through it, you can report behavior that is not in line with our values 100% anonymously, helping us to maintain a safe and healthy working environment at all times.

Here's how to make a report:
A. Visit contatoseguro.com.br.
B. Call us free on .
C. Or report it via WhatsApp, with total protection of your information.

How does the outsourced Whistleblower Channel work?

Our Channel is managed by Contato Seguro, an independent and impartial company that receives reports with a guarantee of integrity. Therefore, the complaint is received by the outsourced company and then forwarded to our company to investigate, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the report.

Why is this important?

Anyone who makes a report does not run the risk of having their identity discovered.
The complaint will be investigated fairly and impartially by Contato Seguro.

How does it work in practice?

1. Contato Seguro welcomes your report.
2. Your IP (computer identification number) is not shared and calls are not traced, nor is the phone number for WhatsApp complaints.
3. The report is sent to our company for investigation.

To put it simply: imagine that you want to tell someone something very important, and you'd rather tell it to an outsider who doesn't know anyone in our company. That someone is Contato Seguro, which guarantees that your secret will be well-kept and fairly investigated.

Should I follow my company's Code of Conduct?

Following the company's Code of Conduct is fundamental to ensuring a healthy and ethical working environment. This document is very important because it establishes the principles and values by which the company is guided, promoting integrity, mutual respect and transparency in all our interactions.

By following our Code of Conduct, you not only contribute to the company's positive organizational culture, but also demonstrate your commitment to ethics.

Each of us plays an important role in building a more ethical and responsible company!

Why do I need to denounce it?

So that the Whistleblower Channel fulfills its purpose of protecting all of us!

Through it, you can report irregularities that go against our values and the law 100% anonymously, helping us to maintain a safe and healthy working environment at all times.

If you identify or know of any irregularities:

Visit contatoseguro.com.br.
Call us free on .
Or report it via WhatsApp +55 51 3376-9353 with a guarantee of anonymity and protection of information.
The tool is available 24 hours/7 days a week.
The assistance is provided by ombudsmen-psychologists, who receive the report and send the information for analysis, investigation and resolution.

Will my identity be protected against retaliation?

Yes! The report is received by Contato Seguro, a totally impartial organization with no ties whatsoever to our company.

In this way, our organization demonstrates its commitment to ethics, integrity and the well-being of our teams, promoting a safer, fairer and more inclusive working environment for all of us. Bear in mind that:

Your identity will not be revealed under any circumstances if you choose to report anonymously.
Anonymity and confidentiality of information are guaranteed.
You will be protected against any retaliation.
Your phone number, WhatsApp information or your computer's IP address will not be identified.
Sensitive information such as racial origin, religion or political opinion will never be collected.

If I denounce it, will I suffer consequences?

Never! We value and protect complainants because this attitude is essential to guaranteeing a safe and ethical working environment.

We guarantee total confidentiality, protection of your anonymity and the utmost secrecy of all information. You don't have to worry about any consequences for denouncing any kind of inappropriate or unethical behavior.

The report is completely safe! There is no risk of data leakage or retaliation. So don't be afraid to report it, either as a victim or a witness.

What can I denounce through the Channel?

You can and should denounce any attitude that is not consistent with our values and with what we believe is the right thing to do. Here are some examples of what the Channel can report:

Waste of resources.
Disclosure of confidential matters.
Moral or sexual harassment.
Abuse of power.
Among others.

Do I need proof to make a report?

No! Based on your report, Contato Seguro will forward the information to the company's Ethics Committee, which will start the investigation and deal with the report correctly. Action will only be taken once the irregularity has been confirmed.

If you have any proof, the system allows you to attach any type of file such as photos, videos, audio, etc.
If it's over the phone, the psychologist who takes your call will explain how to send the evidence.

What benefits does the Channel bring?

The Channel helps us to create and keep the company safer and free from irregularities, preventing and combating attitudes that can harm us all.

The result is an increasingly healthy, welcoming, transparent, ethical working environment with more opportunities.

Who receives complaints made by telephone?

Contato Seguro is an outsourced company with a team of psychologist-listeners, ready to welcome you in the best possible way. These professionals have nothing to do with us and complaints are received 100% confidentially.

You run no risk of having your voice or situation identified, revealed or leaked by anyone.

Under no circumstances will our company or the committee responsible for the investigation know who made the anonymous report via the Channel.

How does the investigation of a complaint work? Who's responsible?

Contato Seguro receives the complaints and records all the information in the system. Only our company's Ethics Committee has access to this information, guaranteeing the confidentiality of your data.

If the reported irregularity is identified, the Ethics Committee begins the investigation by collecting additional evidence and interviews. This committee also chooses the professionals responsible for the investigation (internal investigators or external experts, depending on the severity).

Finally, the Ethics Committee analyzes the results of the investigation. If the irregularity is proven, appropriate disciplinary or procedural measures are adopted and preventive measures are implemented - fundamental to strengthening our ethical culture and promoting transparency and integrity.

What is a committee, and what is its responsibility

The committee is a group of people from our company who have been chosen and prepared to look after ethical issues, i.e. compliance with our values, internal rules and laws.

This group is responsible for investigating the complaints received. It includes representatives from the company's strategic areas, some employees and sometimes an external member.

The collaborators who make up our Ethics Committee are trained to guarantee the impartiality and objectivity of the entire investigation process.

How can I follow up my report?

When you make a report, you receive a protocol number. This number is essential for tracking the progress of your report. See how to follow up your complaint:

Visit the website contatoseguro.com.br.
Scroll down to the “Follow up on your report “ section.
Enter your protocol number.
Click on the arrow to move forward.

If the report was made by telephone, the specialist will inform you of the protocol. Write down the number so you can follow up later.

It is possible for the committee to request more information about the report through messages that can only be accessed through the protocol.

What is the difference between the complaint, question and suggestion forms?

These three forms are very important for your day-to-day life, here's why:

• Report form: this is for you to report any behavior that could harm our collaborators or company. Examples: moral or sexual harassment, bullying, fraud, etc. Don't be afraid to denounce it!

• Question form: use it to ask anything about the Complaints Channel or the rules our company follows. When in doubt, ask!

• Suggestion form: we want to know what suggestions or recommendations you have for improving our Channel or other areas of our company. Tell us about your idea!

You can also talk to us about CAS (Customer Service) or other issues by clicking here!

What is the importance of the Brazilian Law 14.457/22 on companies with CIPA (Internal Accident Prevention Commission)?

For Brazilian companies that have a CIPA, this law aims to encourage the installation of a Whistleblower Channel. This is because the Whistleblower Channel serves to guarantee the safety and trust of collaborators when making any kind of complaint.

The tool also serves to prevent irregularities and damage to collaborators and the organization, guaranteeing greater transparency and integrity in the workplace.

What are the mandatory measures in Brazilian Law 14.540/23, which tackles sexual harassment?

This law establishes various actions to tackle sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in the workplace:

• Training for public officials on prevention and awareness.

Implementation and dissemination of educational practices and campaigns.

Providing and publicizing the Whistleblower Channel.

Establishment of procedures for investigating and taking responsibility in cases of sexual harassment.

Training programs with specific content on sexual harassment and gender violence.

Keeping detailed records of attendance at training programs for a period of five years.

What does the Brazilian Law 14.611/23 say about equal pay for men and women?

The Brazilian Law establishes equal pay for men and women when they perform the same duties or work of equal value.

Here's what this Law says:

1. That the victim of wage discrimination, in addition to having the right to receive the difference in salary, can file a lawsuit for moral damages.

2. Larger fines for employers who violate the law, up to 10 times the value of the new salary.

Contato Seguro

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