Do you need to talk to us? We have listed below all the different ways available for you to contact us, just choose the option that best suits your needs!
Make a report
To make a report, you must:
- Click on the "Make a Report" button.
- Select the company your report relates to.
- Answer the questions provided on the form.
Remember: the more detailed your complaint is, the greater the chances of identifying and resolving the fact.
Make a report
See an answer
To check an answer about a report made, you must:
- In the consultation area, insert the protocol for your report and click on the “see answer” button.
- In the customer area, you can check the latest response and complete information from the report.

Ask technical questions
Would you like to ask us a technical question? Access the question form page by clicking the button below:
Fill out form
Contato Seguro
Do you need to speak to Contato Seguro?
Click on the button and access our service channels!