Citrosuco has an Ombudsman in order to receive, analyze and solve issues regarding its Code of Conduct. This channel may be accessed both by internal and external audiences.
Impartial and transparent, the Ombudsman ensures the confidentiality of all information, preserving the identity of people involved, and collaborating to promote a better environment for everyone. The Ombudsman may be contacted to clarify doubts regarding the interpretation of the Code of Conduct, to send a suggestion and to report a matter related to the Code of Conduct. Every case received by Citrosuco will be treated by a Conduct Committee. No retaliation will be accepted against anyone who makes a report in good faith.
Thank you for your continued commitment to integrity.
Via own number with live service or internet or applications, we guarantee anonymity and any record will suffer retaliation. The ombudsmen are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and calls are always free, from anywhere in the world.

Don't worry: the computer's IP is not shared, nor any way of tracing the calls. Our tool is external and, thus, anonymity and confidentiality will always be guaranteed, confirming or not the complaints done.